Sofa Cleaning

Sofa Cleaning

Specialises in upholstery cleaning services and can deal with any furniture type. We clean sofas, chairs, curtains, drapery and anything upholstered by using high-end technology. We use the latest upholstery cleaning methods and determine which one to perform depending on your upholstery’s fabric type, which can be silk, Haitian cotton, velour, brushed corduroy, leather, etc.

It’s time to dry clean your comforter

Taking care of your bedding is essential for the quality of sleep you get. A well-made bed can not only improve your mood, but make it easier to fall asleep at night and feel more rested when we wake up in the morning.

Your comforter does a lot during those long hours that you’re sleeping – from regulating body temperature, wicking away sweat or humidity between sheets (keeping everything dry); maintaining air flow while keeping us warm enough through winter months! So if there’s anything we would recommend doing this weekend before lounging around on Sunday, It should be cleaning out all those cozy pillows and blankets so they’ll look feel and really be as good as new again next week!


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